Past Events

Alliance hosts Professor Suerie Moon in Melbourne

March 1st, 2024

Published: March 1st, 2024

In February, the Alliance hosted Professor Suerie Moon in Melbourne. Professor Moon is the Co-Director of the Global Health Centre and Professor of Practice in Interdisciplinary Programmes and International Relations/Political Science at the Geneva Graduate Institute. As a leading thinker in global health governance and equitable research and development, Prof. Moon was our esteemed guest and keynote speaker for the 2024 Australian Global Health Alliance Congress.

At the Congress, in a dialogue moderated by Assoc. Prof. Seye Abimbola from the University of Sydney, Professor Moon and other global health experts discussed with the audience the future of global health, exploring the intersection of global governance and public health, and leveraging their specific expertise to address pressing global health challenges.

Prof. Moon’s keynote presentation highlighted that the future global health system needs:

  • Global political arenas for rulemaking to solve shared global problems
  • Global networks for knowledge-sharing, political mobilization, communities of practice
  • Global leadership to avert potential gaps

The full recording for the congress is available to watch here.

Image: Prof Suerie addresses the 2024 Australian Global Health Alliance Congress

Alongside the congress, the Burnet Institute, in partnership with the Alliance, welcomed Professor Moon to discuss alternative innovation models for medicines. Prof. Moon presented preliminary research findings on how innovative models in pharmaceutical research and development could benefit neglected diseases, rare diseases, pandemic preparedness, and antibiotics.

Prof. Moon, discussed how the mainstream innovation model has been critiqued for its slow pace, harms, and restricted access.

“Alternative innovation models are other ways to develop and deliver health technologies that might address some, if not all, of these shortcomings,” she said.

This event hosted an interactive discussion that brought together partners, colleagues, and industry leaders from both the Alliance and the Burnet Institute.

From left to right: Brendan Crabb, Suerie Moon, Selina Namchee Lo and Suman Majumdar