Australian Global Health Alliance

For a strong, equitable and sustainable global health ecosystem

Driving change through national and global connections, partnerships, research and innovation, promoting best practices in global health, and advocacy.


Australia’s peak body for global health organisations

Our membership is diverse, ranging from universities and research institutes to international and national non-government organisations or peak bodies, to government entities and public private partnerships.

We aim to deepen collaboration between us, and curate knowledge sharing. We are committed to transforming global health to be equitable for all.

News and Updates

The latest from the Alliance and our members

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Past Events

New world order and disorder in global health – A special conversation with Nina Schwalbe

On Tuesday 25 February the Australian Global Health Alliance welcomed Nina Schwalbe, one of the world’s foremost global health policy thought leaders, for an incredibly insightful and concerning discussion on the evolving role of the United States in global health, global pandemic agreements, and the future of health equity. This timely conversation reinforced the critical […]

Feb 27th, 2025

Welcoming Melbourne Children’s Global Health as the newest Bronze Sponsor of the Alliance

The Australian Global Health Alliance is delighted to announce Melbourne Children’s Global Health as the newest Bronze Sponsor of the Alliance. Melbourne Children’s Global Health (MCGH) is an initiative of Melbourne Children’s Campus- a partnership of Murdoch Children’s Research Institute; The University of Melbourne, Department of Paediatrics; and The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne. MCGH aims […]

Jan 24th, 2025
Past Events

Join Us in Canberra on the 4 November for the screening of La Fabrique des Pandémies

La Fabrique des Pandémies (The Pandemic Factory) is a gripping and urgent documentary that explores the devastating link between environmental destruction and the rise of pandemics. Narrated by actress Juliette Binoche, the film travels the globe to uncover how deforestation, wildlife trafficking, and industrial agriculture are driving the emergence of deadly diseases. Featuring leading scientists and […]

Oct 15th, 2024
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Events Calendar

Upcoming Events

Apr - 22

2024 World Health Summit Regional Meeting

- Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre 22nd April - 24th April 2024
Hosted by Monash University, the 2024 World Health Summit Regional Meeting will provide an unprecedented opportunity to understand the unique health challenges impacting the Asia-Pacific region, to build new collaborations, and to co-create pathways forward. The World Health Summit community of over 25,000+ health protagonists from more than 120 countries underscores the importance of global collaboration and shared responsibility in addressing the myriad challenges that impact the health and wellbeing of our planet. The Regional Meeting plays a pivotal role in shaping policies, fostering research, and advocating for equitable health and wellbeing for everyone, and elevates the health issues that are most critical to our region to the global stage. By registering now, you’re securing your spot with leaders and peers drawn from academia, government, civil society and the private sector, to engage and collaborate, and shape the future of health across Asia and the Pacific. The Meeting’s three themes explore health in the context of thriving communities, climate change, and geopolitics - key challenges of our age. Here's just a taste of the growing program of topics:

First Nations health • The health and wellbeing of women and girls • Environmental impacts on health • Net zero healthcare • Emerging and re-emerging health threats • Non-communicable disease strategies • Health and human rights • Commercial determinants of health • Mental health and wellbeing • Health education and workforce • Health economics and financing • Resilient health systems • Access to game-changing discoveries • Global health leadership • Intersectional partnerships • Rethinking drug policy • Caring for vulnerable people

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Feb - 07

Australian Global Health Alliance Congress | The Future of Global Health

Woodward Conference Room, Melbourne Law School- Level 10 185 Pelham Street Carlton, VIC 3053 February 7th 2024
We are delighted to invite you to the first Alliance event of 2024, the Australian Global Health Alliance Congress, to discuss the most critical question of our year, if not times... What is the future of Global Health? The global health community is at a pivotal juncture in its identity, systems and approaches; the pandemic, climate change, decolonisation, and the war on misinformation will continue to shape all of our futures in addressing health inequity. We are therefore delighted to welcome and host Professor Suerie Moon, Co-Director of the Global Health Centre and Professor of Practice in Interdisciplinary Programmes and International Relations/Political Science at the Geneva Graduate Institute in Melbourne as our special guest and Congress key note speaker. Professor Moon is arguably the world’s foremost academic thinker and institutions leader in global health governance and equitable R&D. Assoc. Prof Seye Abimbola, Editor in Chief of the BMJ and Associate Professor Health Systems at University of Sydney, will then moderate an interactive dialogue with Prof Moon and other leading global health experts. Together with our audience and key members of our local global health community, this is an opportunity to leverage their extensive expertise at the intersection of global governance and public health.
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Sep - 19

Calendar Event 02

Glen Willow Regional Sports Complex - Ulan Rd & Pitts Lane, Mudgee, NSW 2850 19th September - 20th September 2023
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The Alliance

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The Alliance

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Why it matters
Global Health is about all of us,
not some of us